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(Note: the purpose of the alternate language pages is to show that the code supports multiple languages. At the moment, the RCV tables are only partially translated because certain phrases like "Continuing Ballots Total" still need to be translated.)

Ranked Choice Voting Round-by-Round Results


November 3, 2020 Consolidated General Election

  輪 1 輪 2 輪 3
  投票总数 % Transfer 投票总数 % Transfer 投票总数 % N/A
AHSHA SAFAI 15,135 48.28% 7 15,142 48.30% 1,225 16,367 53.08%  
JOHN AVALOS 13,412 42.78% 1 13,413 42.79% 1,057 14,470 46.92%  
MARCELO COLUSSI 2,788 8.89% 6 2,794 8.91% -2,794      
JASON CHUYUAN ZENG 15 0.05% -15            
Continuing Ballots Total 31,350 100%   31,349 100%   30,837 100%  
空白选票 (投票不足) 2,795   0 2,795   0 2,795    
用尽的选票 0   1 1   502 503    
過度投票 117   0 117   10 127    
Non Transferable Total 2,912     2,913     3,425    
REMARKS *Tie resolved in accordance with election law.